10. nov
KL. 10:15

The Earth Song

Sari Palmgren - Dans

The Earth Song af Sari Palmgren. Foto: Uupi Tirronen

The Earth Song

Sari Palmgren

Fredag 10/11  10:15
The Earth Song
Danse-punk-musical om bæredygtighed
Af Sari Palmgren (FIN)

For English – please see below.

The Earth Song er en carnivalesque finsk moderne danse-punk-musical om temaet forbrugersamfundet, menneskelig adfærd og klimaændringer.

Koreograf Sari Palmgrens team af dansere, sangere og musikere har udforsket menneskets forhold til miljøet: hvilke forbrugsvaner har vi? Hvordan kan vi ændre dem? Forestillingen er et resultat af en omfattende research blandt eksperter der forsker i bæredygtig udvikling og afholdt  workshops med 400 børn, unge og voksne mellem 10 – 70 år om forbrugsmønstre og vaner. Denne research danner rammen om sangteksterne og den improviserede dans. Resultatet er unikt – fandenivoldsk – og giver et energisk udtryk, der kan opleves af alle aldersgrupper.

Koreografi: Sari Palmgren
Medvirkende: Maria Saivosalmi/Tuovi Rantanen, Lotta Suomi, Sari Palmgren, Jukka Peltola, Jukka Tarvainen og Tuomas Norvio
Komponist og lyd design: Tuomas Norvio
Lys design: Heikki Paasonen
Kostume design: Karoliina Koiso-Kanttila
Produktion: Zodiak – Center for New Dance og Sari Palmgren

Varighed: 60 min.
Premieredato: 19.5.2013 på Zodiak-New dance center-Finland
The Earth Song er støttet af: Uudenmaan taidetoimikunta, Kone foundation og Samuel Huber foundation.

Alle rabatter er gældende 40 – 195,- Teaterbilletter.dk
Gratis aftertalk efter forestillingen.

Forestillingen præsenteres i samarbejde med “NB Dance Loop – Nordic Baltic Touring Network”.

Task Book – The Earth Song

Task Book
Sari Palmgren dance har lavet dette hæfte, som man kan fordybe sig i. Hæftet kaldes “task/coloring book” og kan anvendes inden eller efter forestillingen. Den er blevet benyttet som undevisningsmateriale i fagene biologi, matematik, filosofi, samfundsfag, sprogfag, musik, billedkunst og dramafag. Download den her.

The Earth Song
Ecological Punk DanceMusical
By Sari Palmgren (FIN)

The Earth Song is a carnivalesque look into the crossing paths of consumer society, human behavior and climate change. Choreographer Sari Palmgrens interdisciplinary and multitalented team has explored human relationship to the environment, to the circulation and use of energy. How are our daily choices made? How can we change them?

Performance has documentary starting points. During the rehearsal process, the team has consulted environmental researchers and experts of sustainable development. From these consultations, the team has created songs and forms a one-of-a-kind musical, guided by contemporary movement thinking and improvisation.

Sari Palmgren has created sustainable guidelines for making this performance. She has hold workshops and discussions in Finland and abroad about the subject. In the rehearsal period and in the tour 2016 the working group hold different workshops for the citizens of Helsinki, and there was 400 10-70 years old people visiting the rehearsals before premiere.

Performance was performed to youth and adult audiences and was well received in different age groups.

The Earth Song coloring/task book
The Earth song book continues the theme and the questions raised from the performance and workshop about sustainable lifestyle, consumer habit and the protection of the environment.

Aim of the book is to awaken to think about your own values, ideas and life choices. Book allows you to get new thoughts about sustainable development. Nook has also The Earth Song performances song lyrics. Book is available online in english. 

Different teachers has used it in very freely in different ways, in different classes, such as biology, mathematics, philosophy, language, music and arts classes. 

Book is made for young adults.

Download here.

The Earth Song is a “NB Dance Loop – Nordic Baltic Touring Network”- tour cooperation.

For ticket sale please click on the red button ”Køb Billet”.


Kunstner Hjemmeside

Tjek Sari Palmgrens website

The Earth Song af Sari Palmgren. Foto: Uupi Tirronen

The Earth Song af Sari Palmgren. Foto: Uupi Tirronen

The Earth Song af Sari Palmgren. Foto: Uupi Tirronen

The Earth Song af Sari Palmgren. Foto: Uupi Tirronen

The performers are rockstars, people after a nuclear war, symphonic preachers, medieval chant singers. They are also humane humans in Helsinki Ruoholahti in the Spring 2013. Just over on hour long performance is filled with message.

Sara Nyberg/Skenet.fi, 23.5.2013

The performance deals with its subjects: peoples relation to the environment, the daily choices we make and the climate change, without denouncing it. The performance retain its sympathetic touch and attracts the spectator with the changing rhythms in the music and dance. It varies from cordially quiet scenes to defiant punk-style moments. The mixing of contemporary and musical style maneuvering is intriguing to watch.

Liisa Kontunen/Liikekieli.com, 21.5.2013

The multitalented dancers Maria Saivosalmi, Lotta Suomi, Jukka Tarvainen and Palmgren herself as well as the actor Jukka Peltola sing, dance and play accompanied by the sampling by Tuomas Norvio. From absurd humour the performance moves on to limpid moments or stops to look into the future with a question.

Hannele Jyrkkä/Helsingin Sanomat, 23.5.2013