28. aug
KL. 19:30

Ten Thousand Hours – Gravity & Other Myths (AUS)


Ten Thousand Hours - Gravity & Other Myths (AUS). Photo: Darcy Grant.

Ten Thousand Hours – Gravity & Other Myths (AUS)

Gravity and Other Myths (AUS)

Onsdag 28/8 2024  19:30
Ten Thousand Hours
Gravity & Other Myths (AUS)
Et akrobatisk ode til tid, sved og mestring

Australierne fra Baltoppen LIVEs publikumssucceser A Simple Space samt Backbone kommer igen.

Otte verdensklasseakrobater undersøger fysiske færdigheder: hvordan de opnås, perfektioneres og kan transformere liv.

Publikum oplever hvilke utallige timer, der skal til for at skabe akrobatik på ekstremt højt niveau.

Modigt, frækt, vovet og innovativt.

Et kærlighedsbrev til artisternes kroppe.

En fejring af jagten på mestring.

En fantastisk 60 minutters forestilling, der får publikum til at holde vejret mellem høj latter og enorme brøl af benovelse og begejstring.” Stagewispers.com, AUS


TEMA abonnement: 235,-
Familiebillet (gælder for 4 personer): 712,-
Unge under 25 år: 205,-
Min. 6 unge i én gruppe: 40,- pr. person
(+ et ordregebyr)

Anbefales fra 7 år
Varighed: Ca. 60 minutter
Siddepladser på stolerækker
Fotografering- lyd- og videooptagelser er ikke tilladt under forestillingen.

Baltoppen LIVEs café tilbyder fra kl. 18:00:
Poke bowl Sweet Chili-nudler vendt i spicy dressing med friske grøntsager, toppet med steak af oksefilet og ristet sesam. 175,-

Menuen tilbydes under køb af billet eller kan tilkøbes her: https://baltoppenlive.dk/cafe/spisning/, senest kl. 12:00 to hverdage før arrangementet.


“Once again gravity and other myths bring shock, awe, and delight.” 
– Glam Adelaide

– The AU review

“The performance is a showcase of this company’s talent that extends way beyond acrobatics, into visual storytelling, movement, and contemporary dance.”
– Stage Whispers

“Regular gasps and squeals of disbelief from the audience members behind me, and spontaneous applause from the audience throughout, reassure me that it is not just me who thinks some of the skills on display are unbelievable. This is an almost mind blowing level of skill on display and what can be achieved with a dedicated pursuit of perfection.”
– The Clothesline

I would give this 10 stars if I could. An absolutely mind blowing show from this home grown Adelaide company.”
– Kids In Adelaide


Created by:
Director: Lachlan Binns
Associate Director: Darcy Grant
Set & Lighting Designer: Chris Petredis
Assistant Designer: Max Mackenzie
Composer: Nick Martyn, Shenzo Gregorio
Costume Designer: Olivia Zanchetta
Production Manager: Martin Schreiber
Creative Producer: Jascha Boyce
Ensemble: Jacob Randell, Alyssa Moore, Kevin Beverley, Lachlan Harper, Annalise Moore, Andre Augustus, Axl Osborne, Shani Stephens

Sponsors & Funders:
Gravity & Other Myths is supported as an organisation by Arts South Australia.
Ten Thousand Hours has been assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body.
Commissioned by Chamäleon Berlin, La Strada, Graz and Gluttony, Adelaide.
The Ten Thousand Hours creative development was supported by the Adelaide Festival Centre.


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Ten Thousand Hours - Gravity & Other Myths (AUS). Photo: Darcy Grant.

Ten Thousand Hours - Gravity & Other Myths (AUS). Photo: Darcy Grant.

Ten Thousand Hours - Gravity & Other Myths (AUS). Photo: Darcy Grant.

Ten Thousand Hours - Gravity & Other Myths (AUS). Photo: Darcy Grant.

Ten Thousand Hours - Gravity & Other Myths (AUS). Photo: Darcy Grant.

Ten Thousand Hours - Gravity & Other Myths (AUS). Photo: Darcy Grant.

Ten Thousand Hours - Gravity & Other Myths (AUS). Photo: Darcy Grant.