Ross Ainslie, Ali Hutton & Jenn Butterworth (SCO) – Festival Showcase Scotland #2

Ross Ainslie, Ali Hutton & Jenn Butterworth. PR-foto.
Ross Ainslie, Ali Hutton & Jenn Butterworth (SCO) – Festival Showcase Scotland #2
Ross Ainslie, Ali Hutton and Jenn Butterworth
Lørdag 7/5 15:00
Ross Ainslie, Ali Hutton & Jenn Butterworth (SCO)
Fra højoktan jigs & reels til smukke melodiske slow airs
Ross’ og Ali’s Symbiosis-projekt i akustisk trioformat med Jenn Butterworth på guitar, vokal og stomp. Essensen af den kritikerroste musik er skåret helt ind til benet. Fra højoktan jigs & reels til smukke melodiske slow airs. Der er tale om moderne skotsk folkemusik, når det er mægtigst.
Entré: 230,-
Ung under 25 år: 115,-
Ståpladser / unummererede stole ved caféborde.
Der vil være siddepladser til alle med købte billetter.
Varighed: ca. 3 timer inkl. pause.
Dørene til salen åbnes kl. 14:30.
Caféen åbner kl. 14:00.
Koncerten med Ross Ainslie, Ali Hutton & Jenn Butterworth er første del af dobbeltkoncerten. Anden del udfyldes af Kinnaris Quintet.
Køb evt. Festivalbillet – der gælder for alle 3 dobbeltkoncerter d. 6 & 7/5:
Ung under 25 år: 250,-
Køb fuld festivalbillet her: https://baltoppen.billetten.dk/index/eventdetails/eventno/97119
Showcase Scotland @ Baltoppen LIVE 2022
Festival of leading Scottish & Gaelic contemporary folk & root bands – foot stomping jigs & reels, techno & bag pipes, flutes & fiddles and EDM
Skotland sprudler af boblende musik, hvor rødderne til den keltiske og gæliske kultur stikker dybt. Festivalen viser den aktuelle vitalitet med i alt seks eftertragtede bands, der optræder med et overflødighedshorn af synkoperede rytmer, vidunderlige numre samt underholdende sceneshows.
Festivalen er et samarbejde mellem Baltoppen LIVE og Showcase Scotland EXPO / Active Events støttet af bl.a. Creative Scotland samt Statens Kunstfond.
Får du lyst til at spise omkring koncerterne henviser vi til et udvalg af Ballerups restauranter:
Torvets Brasserie
(fredag kl. 10–23, lørdag kl. 10–23)
Kirketorvet i Ballerup (Centrumgaden 2B), 2750 Ballerup
Brasseriet laver en speciel 3-retters menu til anledningen, som består af:
Forret: jordskokke suppe med trøffelcreme
Hovedret: oksemørbrad m. Vilde svampe og portvinssovs.
Dessert: chokolade fondant m. Vanilje is og friske bær
Normal pris 470 / Festivalpris 350
The Burger Concept
(fredag kl. 11-20, lørdag kl. 11-20)
Ballerup Centret (etage 0 v. indgangen til Føtex), Baltorpvej 2, 2750 Ballerup
Tilbyder en valgfri burger & fries til 39 kr. som en festival menu.
Menuen vil gælde på flg.: Single Iconic, Chicken BBQ og Veggiestyle burger.
Café LaQuart
https://ballerup.cafelaquart.dk/ (vælg ”Ballerup”)
(fredag kl. 10–23, lørdag kl. 10–23)
Centrumgaden 11, 2750 Ballerup
La Rustica – Ballerup
(fredag kl. 10–23, lørdag kl. 10–23)
Ballerup Centeret (etage 0 v. indgangen til Centrumgaden), Baltorpvej 2, 2750 Ballerup
Mere om Ross Ainslie, Ali Hutton & Jenn Butterworth
Ross Ainslie and Ali Hutton’s Symbiosis Skilfully performed instrumental music deeply rooted in the Scottish tradition.
Ross and Ali, two of Scotland’s most prominent musicians, bring together original compositions from their highly acclaimed albums, Symbiosis I, II and III, ranging from high octane jigs and reels to beautifully melodic slow airs.
The music is a masterful blend of the old and the new, modern Scottish folk music at its mightiest.
The latest album, Symbiosis III was recorded during lockdown and released on 2nd October 2020. It’s an album that represents the band’s live gigs as a trio with Jenn Butterworth on guitar, vocals and stomp.
It is a snapshot of the kind of music and arrangements that they play at smaller, more intimate gigs and consists of music from Symbiosis I, II and a few previously unrecorded songs and tunes.
The arrangements on the album are stripped back and arranged especially for our trio performances.
Winners – Best Duo – BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards 2017
Finalists – Best Duo – BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards 2018
Ross Ainslie is one of Scotland’s finest traditional musicians and composers, playing pipes, whistles and cittern. He is renowned for his highly acclaimed solo material, and as a skilled performer and prolific collaborator who performs regularly with bands Treacherous Orchestra – of which he is a founding member – Salsa Celtica, Dougie Maclean, Ali Hutton, Jarlath Henderson, Charlie Mckerron, Tim Edey, Hamish Napier, India Alba and has performed with Kate Rusby, Blue Rose Code, Zakir Hussain, Trilok Gurtu, Capercaillie, Shooglenifty, Carl Barat, Papon, Karsh Kale, Flook, Breabach, Soumik Datta and Patsy Reid. Ross released his latest album Vana in 2020.
Ali Hutton, from Methven in Perthshire, was inspired at the age of 7 to take up the bagpipes and came up through the ranks at the Vale of Atholl pipe band. He was taught alongside Ross Ainslie by the late, great Gordon Duncan and has gone on to become a successful multi‐instrumentalist on the Scottish music scene. He has produced and co‐produced several albums such as Treacherous Orchestra’s “Origins”, Maeve Mackinnon’s “Don’t sing love songs”, The Long Notes’ “In the Shadow of Stromboli” and Old Blind Dogs’ “Wherever Yet May Be”. Ali is also currently a member of Old Blind Dogs and the Ross Ainslie band but has played with Capercaillie, Deaf Shepherd, Emily Smith Band, Dougie Maclean, Back of the Moon, Tryst and Brolum amongst many others.
Jenn Butterworth is an acoustic folk guitarist and singer based in Glasgow, Scotland, who was awarded the title “Musician of the Year” at the 2019 Scots Trad Music Awards,[and was nominated for the same title at the 2019 BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards. She was a founder member of Kinnaris Quintet, who won the Belhaven Bursary for Innovation in Scottish Music at the 2019 Scots Trad Music Awards. Jenn is also active with Jenn & Laura-Beth, Ryan Young, Songs of Separation, Claire Hastings, Rachel Hair Trio and Anna Massie.