21. sep
KL. 20:00

I’m Liquid

Kinetic Orchestra (FIN) - Dans

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I’m Liquid

Kinetic Orchestra (FIN)

Tirsdag 21/9   20:00
Onsdag 22/9   20:00
I’m Liquid
Kinetic Orchestra (FIN)
Den flydende organiske krop

Det innovative finske kompagni under ledelse af prisvinderen Jarkko Mandelin mixer moderne dans, akrobatik og kampsportsteknikker til et vidunderligt udtryksfyldt og organisk bevægelsessprog. I I’m Liquid, fra 2018, transformeres de fire danseres kroppe til flydende vand gennem silkebløde bevægelser. I subtile pas de deuxer skabes illusionen af bølgende, lejlighedsvis truende og uforudsigeligt vand. Dansernes lethed ophæver tyngdekraften og den indlevende koreografi flyder ind i publikums egne kroppe og følelser.

Forestillingen er en del af Baltoppen LIVEs ”Finnish Focus”, som i 2021 og 2022 præsenterer det bedste af nutidigt finsk scenekunst.


Normalpris: 195,-
TEMA Abonnement: 155,-
Unge under 25 år: 125,-
Min. 6 unge i én gruppe: 50,- pr. person

Yderligere rabatbilletter (50-195,-) sælges på www.teaterbilletter.dk.

Siddepladser på stolerækker.
Varighed: ca. 60 min. uden pause.
Video- og fotooptagelse er ikke tilladt under showet.
Artist Talk i caféen efter forestillingen.

Spisning kan tilkøbes (fra kl. 18:00): Økologisk – bresaola anretning på salatbund med parmesanost, cherrytomater og brød: 130,-


I’m Liquid:
While previous works by Kinetic Orchestra have brought children, animals, and political satire to the stage, I’m Liquid draws on martial arts culture, looking at human life and its emptiness, as well as the dry irony of strange movement. The title of the work refers to the metaphor of the body transforming into water, known from martial arts films.

The work also includes Japanese martial arts’ belts and are used to manipulate the body’s weight. Handles set in the center of the dancers’ bodies allow moving others, gravity-defying flights, and surrendering to the flow of symphonic movement. Another level is always present in the work. The music of the work creates an atmosphere of a shopping center, which, as a manifestation of consumption and superficiality, is a great source of inspiration for an ironic relationship of the presence of one’s own and others.

CHOREOGRAPHY Jarkko Mandelin
ON STAGE Sanni Giordani, Anni Koskinen, Iiro Näkki and Oskari Turpeinen
LIGHT DESIGN Jukka Huitila
SET DESIGN Jarkko Mandelin and Jukka Huitila
PRODUCTION Kinetic Orchestra / Apinatarha
SUPPORTED BY Arts Promotion Center Finland, Finnish Cultural Foundation


“The acrobatic dance piece is inspired by martial arts – I’m Liquid’s floor work is tremendously precise and diverse.”
Maria Säkö, Helsingin Sanomat, art critic
Læs hele anmeldelsen (på finsk): https://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/art-2000005931128.html

“Movement lingers between dancers without building power structures. It feels bewilderingly releasing, a warm and relaxing sensation flows through the body of the spectator”.
Maria Säkö, Helsingin Sanomat, art critic
Læs hele anmeldelsen (på finsk): https://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/art-2000005931128.html

“The name of the performance tells the essential: the presence of the dancers who flow like water, unconstrained, ever-transforming, suddenly splashing and changing direction.”
Mäkinen Eija 2019, spectator
Læs hele anmeldelsen(p å finsk): https://kulttuuriluuta.fi/2019/08/08/kun-inhimilliset-rajat-katoavat/


Om Finnish Focus:
Finsk produceret dans og nycirkus har igennem de seneste år tiltrukket sig større og større opmærksomhed verden over p.g.a. en høj kvalitet og en stor portion publikumsappeal. Flere kompagnier oplever en forøget efterspørgelse og turnerer derfor mere og mere internationalt.

Finsk scenekunst præsenteres ganske sjældent på de danske teaterscener. Målet med denne satsning er at introducere det danske teaterpublikum, loyale såvel som helt nye, for kvaliteterne i finsk produceret scenekunst.

Baltoppen LIVE har med initiativet indgået et samarbejde med Finlands Kulturinstitut i Danmark om udbredelse af finsk scenekunst i Danmark.

Scenekunsttidsskiftet iscene.dk vil, i Baltoppen LIVEs Finnish Focus periode, lave reportager, interviews, portrætter og podcasts om det aktuelle finske scenekunstliv.


About the company:
Contemporary dance company Kinetic Orchestra (est. 2009) mixes and combines styles from circus acrobatics to breakdancing, from classical ballet and martial arts to contemporary dance. The company is led by choreographer, dancer and dance teacher Jarkko Mandelin, whose method, choreographic work and teaching are seamlessly interwoven. The group’s pieces are kinetically ingenious and aimed at viewers of all different ages – there are also surprising elements on the stage, such as Mandelin’s Alaskan malamute Ansa (‘Wolfpack’, 2013). Mandelin and the group’s dancers are in demand as teachers of contemporary dance pair work techniques, both in Finland and internationally. In March 2019 the Union of Dance and Circus Artists in Finland presented Mandelin and Kinetic Orchestra with an award recognising their dedication to and ambition regarding movement exploration.


Læs koreografen Jarkko Mandelin fra Kinetic Orchestras tanker om skabelsen af forestillingen
Jarkko Mandelin, the company’s artistic director and choreographer shares his views on the creative process behind the piece “The martial arts concept of transforming into water inspired I’m Liquid”: https://www.fininst.uk/events/jarkko-mandelin-from-kinetic-orchestra-the-martial-arts-concept-of-transforming-into-water-inspired-im-liquid/


Kunstner Hjemmeside

Besøg Kinetic Orchestra

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.

I'm Liquid. Foto: Jussi Ulkuniemi.