Humans 2.0 – Circa (AUS)
Humans 2.0. Foto af Pedro Greig.
Humans 2.0 – Circa (AUS)
Circa (AUS)
Fredag 24/11 19:30
Humans 2.0
Circa (AUS)
En symfoni af akrobatik, lys og lyd
Ti kroppe kommer til syne i et lysglimt. I et flygtigt øjeblik bevæger de sig i harmoni, inden mønstret ændres og pulsen stiger. Tårne vokser og falder. Kroppe kastes i vejret og gribes igen. Fysiske grænser presses til det yderste. Kan vi nogensinde finde en perfekt balance eller er vi nødt til at tilpasse os konstant forandring?
Forestillingen Humans 2.0 med det verdensturnerende australske nycirkuskompagni Circa er en symfoni af akrobatik, lys og lyd. Den tætvævede koreografi af kroppe, som pulserer til musik af komponisten Ori Lichtik og bades i dramatisk lyssætning af Paul Jackson, er skabt af cirkusvisionæren Yaron Lifschitz, der har et imponerende CV med store produktioner af cirkus, opera, fysisk teater og live-begivenheder. Humans 2.0 er ingen undtagelse: En nærværende og dybt engageret forestilling. I sit udtryk lige så humoristisk som alvorlig, lige så æstetisk som akrobatisk.
Skabere: Yaron Lifschitz og Circa-ensemblet
Komponist: Ori Lichtik
Lysdesign: Paul Jackson
Kostumedesign: Libby McDonnell
Mere info:
“Jaw-dropping, seat-clawing and armchair-exhausting”
“Humans 2.0 is a seriously sensational spectacle: as aesthetic as it is athletic, as comedic as it is grave, and all in all, a visceral delight.”
– The Conversation
“…impressive and sophisticated contemporary New Circus at its best”
– Berlin Morning Post
“…70 minutes of wonder … perfectly timed, perfectly executed, perfectly staged.”
– Courier Mail
“Humans 2.0 pushes the boundaries of what circus and acrobatics can be.”
– Time Out
“There is circus – and then there is Circa.”
– Theatre Travels
“Circa’s Humans 2.0 is mesmerising.”
– The Conversation
Normalpris: 245,-
TEMA Abonnement: 205,-
Familiebillet (gælder for 4 personer): 597,-
Unge under 25 år: 175,-
Min. 6 unge i én gruppe: 50,- pr. person
Siddepladser på stolerækker.
Varighed: 70 minutter
Anbefales fra: 7+ år
Fotografering- lyd- og videooptagelser er ikke tilladt under forestillingen.
Caféen tilbyder tapas anretning fra kl. 18:00 til 170,-: Kartoffel-muffin med pesto og skinke, stegte kinarejer på avocado og agurk, melon og fetasalat, bruschetta med tomat og basilikum, bresaolaruller med cremet nøddefyld, samt kurv med forskelligt brød.
“The mighty Circa” (The Guardian)
Contemporary Circus is one of the world’s leading performance companies. Since 2004, from the base in Brisbane, Australia, they have toured the world – performing in more than 40 countries to over 1.5 million people. Their works have been greeted with standing ovations, rave reviews and sold-out houses across six continents.
Circa is at the forefront of the new wave of contemporary Australian circus – pioneering how extreme physicality can create powerful and moving performances. It continues to push the boundaries of the art form, blurring the lines between movement, dance, theatre and circus. Fuelled by the question ‘what is possible in circus?’ Circa is leading the way with a diverse range of thrilling creations that “redraw the limits to which circus can aspire.” (The Age).
Under the direction of circus visionary Yaron Lifschitz, Circa features an ensemble of exceptional, multi-skilled circus artists. They are a regular fixture at leading festivals and venues in New York, London, Berlin and Montreal with seasons at Brooklyn Academy of Music, The Barbican Centre, Les Nuits de Fourvière, Chamäleon Theatre as well as major Australian Festivals.
Humans 2.0 is commissioned by The Mondavi Center, UC Davis.
Circa acknowledges the assistance of the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body and the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland.
Forestillingen præsenteres med støtte fra Statens Kunstfonds Projektstøtteudvalg for Scenekunst samt fra Kulturministeriet via Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen.